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Omdia responds to market rumors suggesting higher tariffs will be imposed on TVs imported to the US from China

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"Omdia responds to market rumors suggesting higher tariffs will be imposed on TVs imported to the US from China"

Learn how the market is reacting to rumors of higher tariffs on TVs shipped to the US. Understand how TV makers are reshuffling their supply chain bases, by shifting their manufacturing processes, or building new ones.

Early in August 2023, rumors were circulating across the TV market about a possible increase in tariffs on TVs shipped to the US. TV display chain participants have been paying close attention following the most recent increase in tariffs applied to imported Chinese goods to the US, which occurred during the US-China trade war in 2018 and has severely affected TV makers and retailers. This resulted in lengthy back-and-forth negotiations between the Chinese and US governments to settle trading deals. In the end, the higher tariffs resulted in higher supply chain costs and average selling prices (ASPs) for many commodities including TVs, leading to smaller profit margins for TV makers and retailers. The higher tariffs also drove TV makers to reshuffle their supply chain bases, either by shifting their manufacturing process outside of China or investing in building new TV manufacturing capacity outside of China to circumvent the higher tariffs on TVs shipped to the US market.

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